Grammar School Ghosts
I like crop.jpg

When I was in grammar school, my parents had me tested for the “gifted program” because my brother was in it and everything he did I was going to do as well. According to the results, my Visual/Spatial intelligence, the ability to comprehend three-dimensional images and shapes, was weak. As a result, I failed and was flatly told by the the gifted teacher, Mr McCool that “not everyone is gifted.” (To this day he is referred to as "Mr. [not so] McCool” in my house.)

I mention this memory because I have had a lot of time these last few months to reflect on my limiting beliefs (ad nauseam) and this one was a biggie for many years. Many of us accept the criticisms people {we think are in greater power than us} say about us. As a result we carry the lie around as fact and let it become part of a false narrative. Case and point, well into my adult life I was still touting that “my spatial intelligence is weak” or “I have trouble spatially” and would defer to others for their expertise in this area. Gosh, sometimes I still catch myself thinking it. The irony, as I am sure you have figured out by now, is that my entire professional career is based on a strong visual/spatial intelligence and it is primarily through using this and other strengths that I am able to envision + problem solve your homes!

Sure, it is entirely possible that I have over-compensated all these years merely to prove that teacher wrong, but that seems like a ton of effort for not much payoff. What feels more powerful and correct is that I grew into and developed the necessary parts of myself where I personally find passion, joy and fulfillment.

I encourage you to do the same…even if it means that, like me, you’re not gifted.

Julia Snider
Tempting Lamp Cord
Question form Brooklyn, NY

Question form Brooklyn, NY

Dear Stop touching the cord,”

Children are fascinating. Of course the cord is irresistible to your little one. It’s entirely out of bounds to him and he knows you won’t like it. :)

Fear not, you are not alone. Below are a few of options that can support you in fixing this inconvenience without needing to change the decor of your home and most importantly, keep you little one safe.

  • Cord Shortener + Outlet Cover

    • This option covers the entire outlet and includes an additional piece to control the excess cord. It’s very neat and secure allowing you to be worry free

    • There are videos online for this

  • Paintable Cord Cover

    • This attaches directly to your wall and you can paint over it to match your wall color. You can search for something like this online as well as through your local hardware store

    • The package contains a myriad of sizes and corner pieces that you mix and match to work for your particular needs

    • This is a great option if you know that you are going to be keeping the lamp in the same place for a while

  • Clip Adhesives

    • These handy adhesive clips attach to any surface and the cord easily slips in and out. However, this may not be the best option for you right now because the cord itself is still exposed and your son could technically pull on it.

Keep the questions coming! I am here to help

New Construction- Arlington

From hire to sold, this project lasted a total of seven days and sold for $30k over asking. Had it not been Staged I can all but guarantee it would not have sold this fast. Here’s why.

The third floor problem: The third floor at this property made no sense. It was huge and cavernous and open and beautiful, but also choppy and intimidating and not intuitive to the vast majority of people.

Heck, it took me a while to figure out how to make the most effective use of the amazing space and I am a professional! I could just imagine what the average home buyer would think. Is it a bedroom? Is it a playroom? Is it a home office/bedroom?

In fact, a family took a quick walk through while it was empty and they could not understand the space at all.. So much so that they specifically requested to came back after the property was staged in order to see what could be done up there….and then they put in their offer. “Voila!”

This is why I love Staging New Construction and Vacant Properties. Sure, it makes a space look better, that’s a given, but on a deeper level, it has a personal impact on how people connect emotionally and helps them to resolve how a space can function specifically for their individual needs. That’s the good stuff, right there, am I right? There’s nothing better than a smile on the face of someone who just made a huge decision that they feel great about and knowing behind the scenes that my worked helped get them there.

Go make a stranger smile today!