
  • 3 hours is the minimum initial purchase

  • Individual hourly rate is $125/hr

You do not have to know how many hours you need. We can figure it out together.

  • Payment plans available for packages larger than nine hours

  • Organizing hours expire six {6} months from purchase date

  • Purchases are non-refundable once work has commenced

  • Unused hours may be gifted/ transferred to others


Can you relate?

  • I hate my home office

  • The playroom is out of control

  • Our basement/attic storage is not helpful

  • A loved one passed and we inherited...everything

  • My kitchen feels a bit off for my usage

  • Where are my keys

  • I would love to make sense of my closet

  • We have unopened boxes from moving...last year

  • And the list goes on...


Organizing your living space will change your life. It's a bold statement, I know...but it's true. On some level you already know this and for whatever reason, be it fear, shame or otherwise, you have not made the decision to ask for help. If not now...when? Rest assured, you are not alone.

JsniderHome believes in the power of organizing to free us from actual and emotional baggage. It's the "outside in" approach and it truly helps a lot of people to become motivated in other areas of their lives.

It could also be that you just need your office to work more efficiently. I can deal with that too!



"To every job that must be done there is an element of fun. You find the fun and poof...the job's a game."

-Mary Poppins



In my experience, I have found that children can be incredibly helpful with organizing their own items. Think about it - what child wouldn't want to locate their favorite toys and books easier? The way I organize with children is subtle. It is not that they necessarily know that they are "working," which is what can make it so fun when the job is done. Think of it like slipping the vegetables into the brownies. All they think is "yum," while you are thrilled because you didn't have to fight to get them to finally have some zinc in their diet!

Geared toward age 4 + the one-on-one with kids is an offering that can be supplemented into any organizing session. Simply let me know in advance whether a child will be involved in any part of our session so I can properly prepare beforehand.

Depending on their age, comfort level, and mood on any given day,  it is not unusual that I permit them to play independently in the room with me while I work. By chatting about their stuff they inform me greatly as to what is important to them.

Do not be discouraged if your child decides while I am there that they want "none of this lady" or perhaps even throw a tantrum. No problem at all...we can try again next time or simply move on without them.



No hourly purchase minimum- Three {3} hours initially recommended




Please do not be offended. This does not in any way mean that your home is out of control or beyond hope. In reality, you can be relieved that you selected a realtor who is honest enough to provide you resources to garner the most potential out of your sale.

Oftentimes a single three hour session will do the trick. If it is necessary for more, I will provide either the personal help, or a plan of action for you to tackle the job on your own.

β€œDon't own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.”

-Wendell Barry,  Farming: a hand book

Selling soon{ish}

The longer you have lived in your home, the greater the potential for...shall we say..."overflow" in terms of your belongings. Some of it is clutter, let's be honest, but some of it is also very important to you in terms of your family history. The issue now is that you are moving and a potential buyer has no interest in either your clutter or your family history - they simply want to see the quality and beauty of the home itself.

By clearing the emotional and physical clutter in your space I guarantee you will be out of that property sooner than had you done nothing at all.

No hourly purchase minimum- Three {3} hours initially recommended